Sketches in Corel Draw
For many years a small clipping from a magazine hung over
my desk. It was a picture taken through a microscope of spirogyra,
a single cell, filamentous algae, commonly known as pond scum.
This the third quilt I have made, inspired by the patterns
of dots and curving stripes found in that image. This one
has moved quite a distance from the look of the original inspiration,
but evolved from the two previous quilt designs.
The whole quilt was designed in Corel Draw and printed out
to make a full size pattern. The dots start at 2½"
on the outside of the spiral, and graduate down to less than
1/8" in the center. All of the dots down to the ¼"
level were cut from graduated rainbow fabric and machine appliquéd
to the spiral template. Beyond the ¼" level, the
spiral and dots were digitally printed and applipieced into
the background.