click for larger image MONA Perspective
Printable version
  • Copyright © 2023 Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry
  • Size: 39.5" wide x 39.75" high
  • Techniques: photography, digital design, digital painting, digital printing, machine quilting
  • Materials: Fabric: 100% cotton / Batting:  50% cotton / 50% bamboo
  • Price: $7500.00

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For extra information about how this quilt was designed, Click

If you would like to purchase or exhibit this quilt, please contact Caryl privately.
Email • Phone: 360-385-2568 • Snail Mail: Bryerpatch Studio •10 Baycliff Place. • Port Townsend, WA 98368

Design Concept

In Hobart Tasmania (AUS) we visited the Museum of Old & New Art (MONA), a truly weird and wonderful experience. It’s too much to include in an artist’s statement, but you can read all about it at: MONA

It is built, three stories down, into sandstone cliffs. On the top level I took a photograph looking down three levels into a space that was intentionally built to be disorienting. The floor is in the upper right corner.

The space angling down from the corner is a walkway into which people can enter, one at a time, to feel even more disoriented. (see photo)
In Corel Draw, I played with the photo, erasing distracting details and drawing in a series of orbs that seem to float through space and contrasting with the geometric architecture. The vast expanse of neutral tones seemed to need a little color, so I added one rectangle of brilliant red, unapologetically relating to nothing else, just like much of the art in the museum.


  • Tactile Architecture, Houston Quilt Festival, Houston TX, November 2-5, 2023
  • Photos, Pixels, & Pizzazz: Recent Quilts by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry, Iowa Quilt Museum, Winterset Iowa, December 12, 2023 - March 10, 2023
  • Photos, Pixels, & Pizzazz: Recent Quilts by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry, Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, Golden CO, 7/22 – 10/19, 2024


  • None as of 06/25/2024
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Web Site Design by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry © 1997-2024 All Rights Reserved
Bryerpatch Studio • 10 Baycliff Place • Port Townsend, WA • 98368 • USA
360-385-2568 • caryl@bryerpatch.com

Updated 06/25/2024